Transferring sites between Organizations

Last modified: March 13th, 2023

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Transfer the ownership of a site to another Organization.

Transferring a site will transfer all data and resources required to run that site. This may include SSL certificates, domain names, and other sites under the same domain.

Transfers are a two-step process; transfer requests and transfer confirmation.

Initiating a transfer#

To begin transferring a site:

  1. Go to Site Settings / Transfer Site
  2. Select an organization to transfer the site to
  3. At the bottom of the page, click Send Transfer Request
  4. Click again to confirm
Screenshot of site transfer interface

Once the transfer request has been sent, the receiving account must accept the transfer. If you are an owner/administrator of the Organization you are transferring to, the transfer is automatically accepted.

To transfer to an Organization, you must first be a part of that team.

Accepting Transfer Requests#

To accept a transfer:

  1. Go to Account Settings / Transfer Requests
  2. Find the request that you want to accept
  3. Click the related Accept button

To accept a transfer to an Organization, you must be an administrator or owner.

Screenshot of site transfer interface with transfer request incoming

Cancelling Transfer Requests#

To cancel a transfer you have initiated:

  1. Go to Account Settings / Transfer Requests
  2. Find the request that you want to cancel
  3. Click the related Remove button

A transfer cannot be canceled after it has been accepted. A transfer from the receiving account will need to be initiated to your account for it to be returned.

Screenshot of site transfer interface with outgoing site transfer
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